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  • Writer's pictureMaria Debono

Your first time

This blog is aimed to give a brief reflection and to clarify some things which might cross your mind before taking the first step to compete in your first powerlifting competition.

I'm scared people might look down on me because I'm inexperienced.

Alwyn Cassar, 17 years of age, back in March this year competing for his first time
Alwyn Cassar, 17 years of age, back in March this year competing for his first time

In order to get more experience you need to take risks. We know what it's like competing for the first time, which is why we give an explanation of the lift commands before each national competition. Don't worry, we do take in consideration newcomers. The powerlifting circle in Malta is very helpful, and even though powerlifting is not a team sport we still create a sense of community and team building.

Ejja fuq! Fuq! Iċċedilhiex! Tiegħek!

Alwyn Cassar, 17 years of age, back in March this year competing for his first time.

I would like to have a bigger total before I compete for the first time.

The pump you get from the iron a few weeks before a competition is different than simply going for a bigger number in your training. Make your first competition a good basis for you to really better your total and to familiarise yourself with the rules, the commands and the lifts. You will always want a bigger total no matter what. Know this: you can never be what you are at this moment again. You can't be at that age in a year's time. Write that total down in an official competition and not just on your training diary.

I am too young/old to compete!

Wrong! Our association, which falls under the World Drug-Free Powerlifting Federation is open to all age categories from 14 years of age and over. We have teenagers breaking world and national records as well as youngsters, Seniors and Masters'.

1. Teenage: T-1 14-15 years; T-2 16-17 years; T-3 18-19 years

2. Junior: 20 years up to and including 23 years of age.

3. Open / SR : 24 – 39 years

4. Masters’: M1 40-44 years; M2 45-49 years; and so on in five-year increments ad infinitum.

While we're at it, it is also important to note that powerlifting is a sport open to all weight categories, so please don't worry about those extra sausages you're eating this summer. Our main question will be this: How much can you lift, bro?

I'm a woman and I'm afraid people may consider powerlifting as a manly sport.

I can assure you that we've got female lifters competing regularly and they are far from being manly. They're tough, strong and some are also delicate, and on that platform all we see is an athlete who is determined and motivated for more!

Maria Qvarnström, Maria Debono & Fabiana Bermudez during the award ceremony last March. Something tells me these ladies are training hard for the Nationals in September!

I don't know the rules and what I should do.

In order to compete in national powerlifting competitions all athletes must be lifetime drug-free. Doping is cheating in a drug tested competition. Nobody likes a cheater.

You must also have a singlet, deadlift socks, and shoes which you're comfortable in squatting, benching and deadlifting. Registration is at 7am during our next competition in September. All athletes must be on time on the day of the competition. Other than that we advise you to take a look at the WDFPF Rulebook and the MDFPA Constitution which can be found on this website in the About section. We're also available on facebook if you have any queries. Please don't hesitate to contact us!

I train powerlifting in the gym, but I don't want to compete.

Everybody needs a goal! Register for a competition and you will realise that your training will drastically get better, because you're working towards a target. If you want more motivation to get bigger numbers, get a purpose. 9th September 2018 is your purpose. Register your name, the weight category you'll be competing in and contact us on facebook.

Lastly, please make sure that you have someone knowledgeable in the sport who can guide you accordingly in your training. Never be proud to ask for help.

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