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  • Writer's pictureMaria Debono

Checklist for the meet

Updated: Nov 15, 2018

I'll start off this blog by telling you two things. Firstly: do not pack these things early morning on the day. Pack everything before you go to sleep the night before. Check you have everything again and again so that on the day, you can concentrate solely on the competition. Secondly: do not try anything new, especially if it's your first competition. Meaning, do not wear new shoes for a competition which you've never trained with before or dose yourself with caffeine if you barely even have one cup of coffee per day. It's not the day to try new things.

This blog should be taken as a guideline on what to bring with you. Some things may be obligatory other things may not be. If there are things which are not mentioned, it does not mean that they are not allowed. Check with us if you have any queries and you'd like to clarify.

Paperwork and identification

ID Card or passport, money (cash) and get a pen and paper just in case. You may need to jot down the rack heights on the competition day and to have your first attempts ready. You'll need to have your first attempts ready to give them during your weigh-in. Your first attempts should be a comfortable weight you would easily do at least two repetitions. Don't go all out on your first attempt. If you fail all three attempts on any lift you will get disqualified.


Make sure you know what's allowed and what's not allowed. Do not expect people to tell you every single detail. The Rulebook and Constitution are available online here. Every athlete should be aware of what makes a good lift and what makes a bad lift. Make sure you know the rules of all the three lifts. During the competition the MDFPA team will go over the execution of the three lifts, but do ensure that the executions are clear from before. You don't want to learn something new on the day of the competition. You need to train your lifts with the right commands. Do ask if anything from the Rulebook or the Constitutions is not clear.


A powerlifting singlet, underwear (boxers are not allowed) and a comfortable sports bra. Knee-high socks, a powerlifting belt (if you use one) and a t-shirt. Make sure the t-shirt is 100% cotton and does not have any offensive material or is drug related as these will not be allowed and a t-shirt is obligatory for the squat and the bench. A t-shirt is also obligatory for the deadlift for the ladies, so maybe get an extra t-shirt just in case things get sweaty. Shoes you're comfortable squatting, benching and deadlifting in. I'd suggest you bring a bottle of baby powder with you. Baby powder creates less friction and this will help you not hitch your deadlift so it will slide right off your thighs for your lock out.

We do get asked this question sometimes, and if you read the Rulebook you would know: Yes, smelling salts are allowed.

Food, glorious food

Get food you are used to eating. I cannot stress this enough: do not try anything new on the competition day, this goes for food as well. Get ample water. Do not rely on canteen food. See if you can cook the food the day before the meet and leave it in the fridge for you to grab first thing in the morning. It will be a long day, get enough food! Make a checklist of the foods you have waiting for you in the fridge so you don't forget anything on the day. If you'll be cooking everything in the morning, wake up extra early.

Rise and shine

But before you rise and shine, go to bed early. I know your brain won't let you sleep because you're too excited, but try to ignore that. Go to sleep, and before you go to sleep set an alarm at a decent time. Have a back up alarm just in case you hit the stop instead of the snooze. Know the registration time. Be there early, especially if you're cutting weight.

Prepare yourself

Get all of these things out of the way so that on the competition day you can focus on those big numbers. Be there, mentally and physically. Powerlifting is not just about physical strength. You need to have the mindset.

Lastly, enjoy it! Stay there till the end. Get to know other lifters, learn from them and most importantly set new targets for your next competition.


-ID card or passport

-Powerlifting singlet

-Your openers

-100% cotton T-shirt (maybe two if you get sweaty) - no pockets, no buttons, no v-necks

-Underwear (boxers are not allowed) & sports bra

-Knee-high socks

-Shoes you're comfortable squatting, benching and deadlifting in

-Powerlifting belt (if you use one)

-Baby powder

-Money for the competition and membership fee (cash)

-Lots of food and water

-Any supplements you usually take

-Read the Rulebook and Constitution thoroughly. These are available here

-Smelling salts (if you use)

-wrist wraps (if you use)

-If you're competing equipped, make sure you pack all your equipment

-Just in case we didn't make it clear: we're lifetime drug-free. Here's a link to the prohibited WADA list.

-Bring your family and friends for support. Entrance for supporters is free and encouraged!

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